How to Legally Conduct Social Media Background Investigations to Protect Your Company from Risk

A Concurrent/On Demand – Virtual Session

Workplace Application:

HR Professionals responsible for hiring applicants should know how to legally utilize social media hiring reports to protect their company from risk. Companies can reduce risk by thoroughly vetting applicants and monitoring current employee risky behavior.

Social media background investigations are an effective way to minimize the risk of a negligent hire. Proceed with caution when utilizing this emerging technology to spot red flags. Factors to consider include protected-class information and FCRA compliance. This session will review how to legally conduct social media background screening to protect your company and avoid a lawsuit.

Learning Objectives:

  • The importance of creating a social media policy for employees to provide direction and set expectations.
  • Best practices for conducting social media background investigations that are thorough enough to protect the employer but are FCRA compliant.
  • The types of social media findings that can legally result in a termination versus protected-class information and employee/applicant privacy considerations.


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Social Media Hiring Reports:

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