How Can We Fight a Workers’ Compensation Claim?   

How Can We Fight a Workers’ Compensation Claim?  

How can we fight a workers’ compensation claim?   If you have reason to believe that your claimant is malingering or lying about a workplace-related injury, do your due diligence. Consider the possibility of conducting surveillance, a social media investigation, or...
How Can We Fight a Workers’ Compensation Claim?   

What is Chain of Custody?

What is chain of custody?   Chain of custody is the proper treatment of evidence throughout an investigation. When it comes to fraud investigations, documents, notes, or video obtained in the field by an investigator must be delivered securely to the office of...
How Can We Fight a Workers’ Compensation Claim?   

What Constitutes Fraud?

What constitutes fraud? According to the New York State Workers’ Compensation Board, “People who submit a false claim are committing fraud. People who get hurt participating in a leisure activity on Sunday and report it on Monday as a work-related accident are...