Why is it so easy to get a gun in the federal background check system?Why is it so easy to get a gun in the federal background check system?


The short answer to this question is that it shouldn’t be so easy to get a gun under the federal background check system. The way the system is structured is problematic, however. The accuracy of NICS, and any information system, is only as good as the care taken by every person with access at every level. Names, social security numbers, and birthdates need to be entered accurately. Oftentimes, false positive results due to typographic errors or missing information prevent legitimate purchasers from buying a gun. On the flip side, those who shouldn’t have access to a gun can sometimes slip through unnoticed. Government databases should undergo period reviews to ensure the accuracy of all information; these are used for background investigations at every level. This would play a major role in fixing the problems with the federal background check system.