Register: Non-Traditional Intelligence Gathering Webinar

Register: Non-Traditional Intelligence Gathering Webinar

Register: Non-Traditional Intelligence Gathering Webinar – There is still time to register for this free webinar taking place on 8/2/22!

Whether you need Florida Adjuster CE Credit or are just interested in learning about non-traditional intelligence gathering, please join CEO Mario Pecoraro on Tuesday, August 2, from 11 am to noon.

Register: Non-Traditional Intelligence Gathering Webinar

Many adjusters are familiar with the use of traditional surveillance methods to detect and pursue action against fraudulent activities on the part of claimants. However, there are many non-traditional intelligence gathering methods that should be considered in order to achieve actionable intelligence. This webinar will take a deep dive into 6 non-traditional intelligence gathering methods to achieve the best results and stop fraud in its tracks.

You Will Learn…

    • Best practices for compiling a dossier and submitting the information to a court
    • What a social media search prior to an investigation should include
    • The legalities involved with pretexting
    • Three methods to learn a claimant’s level of activity to gain actionable intelligence

Investigating Claims: Non-Traditional Intelligence Gathering

For more information, email To learn more about the presenter, Mario Pecoraro, CEO of Alliance Risk Group, Read his bio HERE. WE HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!

Please Follow These Instructions to be Sure You Receive your 1 Hr. General CE Credit!

  • Only login once and stay on for at least 1 hour (logging in and out could disqualify you from the verification process)
  • Complete the Florida license evaluation form by the end of day on August 2 and include the special keyword(s) that will be announced live during the webinar (This required form link will be made available during the webinar)
  • After you register, look for your confirmation email from Zoom and save the event information on your calendar!