Alliance StealthCam®
Stationary Covert Surveillance System
The Alliance StealthCam® is another tool in our investigative arsenal! The StealthCam® will save you time and money while increasing the likelihood of gaining actionable intelligence on comprehensive claims investigations where fraud is suspected.
- Monitors claimants remotely which decreases the chances of being noticed
- Captures meticulous activity with high-definition video, and pan/tilt/zoom technology
- Runs continuously with motion detection that alerts investigators when movement is sensed
- Is only positioned in areas that comply with state and federal laws
- Weather resistant and covertly designed to be placed in plain sight without being detected
- Establishes patterns of behavior – eliminating wasted, on-scene investigator time
- A solution to probe stale suspected fraud cases to jump start an investigation
- Following review of StealthCam® preliminary video evidence, an informed recommendation on the need for further investigator surveillance is provided
Want to Know if Alliance’s Remotely-Operated StealthCam® Services are Right for Your Assignment?
Feel free to contact us! Assignments can be emailed directly to [email protected] , delivered through our case management portal: https://awig.viewcases.com/.
or submitted through our website form: https://allianceriskgroup.com/comprehensive-claims-investigations/submit-assignment/