4 Reasons Background Investigations are Critical for the Technology Industries

4 Reasons Background Investigations are Critical for the Technology Industries

Technology industry companies should employ thorough background investigations to ensure their employees are qualified, professional, and reliable. The technology industry plays host to a huge amount of sensitive information, pertinent to consumers, clients, and your company itself. Cyber Breaches happen on a daily basis globally and in many instances protecting sensitive data involves ensuring comprehensive background checks are conducted.  Additionally, those who work in technology are entrusted with expensive equipment, like computers and servers. Perhaps most importantly of all, errors by technology industry employees can have catastrophic effects for your company and those you serve.


Here are four key reasons your technology industry organization should be using background investigations.


  1. Technology jobs require substantial training.


The technology industries have a need for employees with significant education and training relevant to their role. To ensure that your employees have the background and skills needed to keep your company running, a background check is critical. Reference verifications and other interview-style background checks can help to ensure a potential employee is qualified for a given position.


  1. Technology employees have access to sensitive information.


Employees of the technology industry are exposed to a great deal of sensitive information. Customers, whether individuals or other businesses, entrust technology companies with their financial records, websites, and intranet systems. One misstep by an employee, whether purposeful or accidental, can put the future of your company at risk.


Statewide and Federal Criminal Searches can help to show felony and misdemeanor records for a possible hire. Office of Foreign Assets Control searches turn up information on applicants who have been involved in narcotics or terrorism. Awareness of any such charges is critical for a company involved with the technology industries. Checking out the background of an applicant to ensure their ethics align with the needs of your company is critical before onboarding.


  1. Technology company employees deal with the public.


In many instances, technology industry employees deal directly with your customers. IT helpline staff, computer repair technicians, and salespeople spend their days interacting with the individuals and businesses who pay the bills for your business. Many organizations also have staff that visit customer sites requiring stringent background investigations and security clearances.


It’s important to verify that potential hires not only are properly vetted but are courteous and will uphold the values of your company.  Reference verifications can help to establish this during a background check. Additionally, verifying that applicants don’t have a criminal background can put your mind at ease when it comes to ensuring that your customers deal only with the best possible representatives for your business.


  1. Regulations Governing the Industry

Many industries have strict regulations with respect to cyber security breaches.  Why not protect your employees and clients by ensuring best practices are followed.  For example in New York State, there are specific cyber security requirements for Financial Service Companies and their employees and subcontractors. Ensuring that there is a comprehensive background investigations process on technology employees will help ensure that the regulation is followed and risk is limited.  To learn more about the New York State Department of Financial Services Cybersecurity Requirements, visit https://www.governor.ny.gov/sites/governor.ny.gov/files/atoms/files/Cybersecurity_Requirements_Financial_Services_23NYCRR500.pdf

Call Alliance Risk Group today to discuss background investigations for your technology business. We have the expertise to suggest the best background check for your company.

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