Risk Management in the Employee Onboarding and Retention Process: Panel Discussion
“Employee Misconduct from Cybersecurity to Fraud”
Alliance Risk Group’s CEO, Mario Pecoraro, will participate on an October 18 panel discussion hosted by Digital Rochester’s Technology Leaders Special Interest Group. Four industry representatives will discuss the implication of employee misconduct, risks associated with employee onboarding and retention, cyber crime and key preventative measures. Event attendees will learn how to limit human factor as a cause of destruction to their organization by learning proper onboarding and retention due-diligence strategies, how to guide employees and implement proper tactics. The event will begin at 8 am at the Irondequoit Country Club in Rochester.
Registration/Networking 7:30-8:00am
Presentations/Panel Discussion 8:00-9:00am
Q&As and Networking 9:00-9:30am
The panel members who will be providing their insights on different points relating to the topic are:
Mario Pecoraro – CEO, Alliance Risk Group.

Mario Pecoraro to Present on Risk Mitigation in the Employee Onboarding and Retention Process
Risk mitigation is critical in all aspects of business, especially in the employee onboarding and retention process. Employees are a company’s greatest assets and when not properly vetted, can be the biggest risk and expense. According to SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management), it could cost more than $240,000. By calculating recruitment, relocation/training, negative impact on team performance, disruption to projects, customer impact, outplacement, brand impact and litigation fees, one can see how easy it is to arrive at that number. Many organizations are more concerned with filling open positions than ensuring that the necessary due-diligence is completed before doing so.
Alliance Risk Group Inc. works with employers on a national/international basis to help mitigate losses through due-diligence based investigations. In this presentation, we will examine steps that organizations can take to follow best practices in overall risk mitigation as well as examine some recent legislation impacting employers conducting background investigations.
John D. Flory III – Partner/VP, TAG Solutions
Another aspect of employee onboarding and retention is understanding how vital it is to ensure your employees are educated and understand the ways in which their actions could negatively affect a company’s safety. Training techniques will be presented for employees and how to ensure you have the preventative measures necessary to keep from becoming the victim of a cyber crime. John will also dive into the world of Digital Murder and how you don’t have to die to be classified as dead.

When proper employee onboarding and retention methods are ignored, problems can result. Tim will discuss real life examples of employee fraud that Freed Maxick has investigated, the fraud methodology used, how it was detected as well as suggestions for ways the risks of these losses could have been mitigated. He will also discuss the keys to a successful forensic investigation and ultimate prosecution.
David Hansen – Principal Risk Advisory Services, Freed Maxick
Fraud can be challenging to prevent and detect, but with a strong system of internal controls, an organization can help manage that risk. Companies are also relying more and more on third-parties to provide services that are critical to their operations, expanding the risk that either fraud or a compromise to a key vendor could result in significant operational challenges, financial impact and data exposure. We will explore various fraud risks common within organizations, risks from working with third-parties, how to identify those risks and the types of controls that can help protect a company from both insider and external threats.
This event is geared toward people and companies associated with established and emerging technology in the greater Rochester region.