ARG’s Expert Investigative Division Blog Collection
Unmasking Scammers: 3 Key Factors for Comprehensive Investigations
In today’s increasingly complex world, it’s become essential for businesses and individuals to protect themselves from potential scams and fraudsters. The case of a scam artist accused of an $11 million auto insurance fraud scheme in Coral Springs serves as a stark reminder of the importance of thorough investigations. In this blog, we’ll shed light on the need for comprehensive investigations and why Alliance Risk Group, Inc. (ARG) should be your trusted provider, emphasizing our brand promise of “Actionable Intelligence: 81%, Claimant Activity: 54%, and Impactful Video: 26%.”
Uncovering the True Cost of Workers’ Compensation Fraud
The Cost of Workers' Compensation Fraud affects everyone. In March of 2021, the Coalition Against Insurance Fraud formed a task force to examine Workers’ Compensation (WC) Fraud including determining the annual cost of comp fraud in America. This report, published in...
Make the Right Hiring Decisions with ARG
Read on to learn how to make the right hiring decisions! Interested in hearing CEO Mario Pecoraro discuss how to make right hiring decisions? Access free webinar based on this article here: Free Webinar Recording Four Unconventional Methods to Make the Right Hiring...
Legality of Workers’ Compensation Surveillance
Is it legal to conduct surveillance on someone collecting workers compensation? It is absolutely legal to conduct surveillance on someone who is out of work and collecting workers compensation payments, provided their rights are not violated. Investigators may watch...
Paying Pension Recipients and Locating Missing Beneficiaries
As you might have heard in the news recently, MetLife has been sued by the commonwealth of Massachusetts for their failure to properly pay pension recipients who had incorrectly been deemed “presumed dead.” According to the pension agreements, MetLife was responsible...
Remote Workforce & Workers’ Compensation Claims
Remote Workforce Workers' Compensation Claims- With the evolution of a growing remote workforce, risk managers are reevaluating the complexity of workers’ compensation claims when incidents happen in the home. One often-cited case involved a woman working from home in...
Unraveling Social Media Investigations with Alliance Risk Group
COMBAT CLAIMS FRAUD WITH SOCIAL MEDIA INVESTIGATIONS Unabated insurance fraud is a multibillion-dollar issue that negatively affects American consumers. The Coalition Against Insurance Fraud estimates it robs us of at least $308.6 billion every year! To mitigate this...
Spring 2019 Investigative E-newsletter Highlights
Our Spring 2019 Investigative E-Newsletter is available for viewing. Just click here: Highlights: Why Choose Alliance Risk Group? • Results - View redacted pictures from 114A decision - Spring is...
Does Attorney Involvement Impact Workers Compensation Claim Costs?
Does attorney involvement impact workers compensation claim costs? Injured workers who hire attorneys to handle their workers compensation claims tend to stay on temporary disability longer, which can in turn drive up costs for insured companies. In California,...
What Happens in New York State if You Commit Workers Compensation Fraud?
What happens in New York State if you commit workers compensation fraud? According to Article 7, Section 114a of New York’s Workers’ Compensation law, if a “claimant knowingly makes a false statement or representation as to a material fact, such person shall be...
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