Federal and County Civil Searches

Federal Civil Search

The Federal Civil Records Search is a District level search for civil cases filed in United States District, Bankruptcy, and Appellate Courts. Report results include comprehensive docket summary information, including returns file date, parties involved, cause of action and case status when cases are uncovered. A few Federal District court fees impose access fees.

County Civil Search

A countywide civil search researches a specific county for liens, judgments, civil cases and bankruptcies that may be listed in the applicant records. This search is conducted by exact name and date of birth. We may need to also verify the applicants address and/or middle initial depending on the information stored in the civil records. This is a county level search for civil court records. Civil records are generally divided between the upper and the lower courts based on the monetary amount of the claim. Alliance will always search both the upper and lower courts for our clients. Civil records contain records of lawsuits, small claims, and judgments, and other money related matters.

For more information about Federal and County Civil Searches, email sales@allianceriskgroup.com or call 800-579-2911.

Why Choose Alliance Risk Group for your Background Investigations?

The Alliance Risk Group Background Investigation team are FCRA compliance experts. We inspire confidence by providing actionable intelligence, detailed timely communication and on-time performance. Alliance Risk Group is a SHRM Recertification Provider recognized to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for the SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP®. Mario Pecoraro is a thought-leader, author of two books and has published many articles and blogs. He is an industry expert who has been featured in national print and broadcast media. Learn more here: https://allianceriskgroup.com/about-2/thought-leadership/